Common Concerns

  • Any time there is a misalignment in the spine, joints will open and allow gas to build up. The pops and crackles that many hear when they do common activities, such as turning their head to look left/right, is the movement of that gas (oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide). That does not mean that the bone is re-adjusting itself, but a sign that a misalignment needs to be addressed by a chiropractor.

  • To answer this, it is important to understand what "arthritis" is. Osteoarthritis is the most common diagnosis, and occurs when your spine is not moving correctly. Incorrect movement begins to wear down the discs and bone spurs begin to form. Once it is at this point, you cannot reverse it. However, it is extremely important to get chiropractic adjustments, as reinstating proper motion in that joint will prevent it from worsening (progressing to bone-on-bone).

    People with Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease have seen incredible improvements to their mobility and lifestyle because their condition(s) are no longer worsening or progressing.

  • Having a herniated disc can cause significant symptoms that are debilitating, and it is the chiropractors job to treat that disc with care. If a herniated disc, caused by injuries or overuse, is not being treated by a chiropractor, then it could heal incorrectly and take much longer to heal.

    Many medical professionals come from a different school of thought, and are only taught to treat herniated discs with cortisone shots, nerve blocks, discectomies, or laminectomies. All of which have severe side effects. While certain conditions warrant surgery, most are preventable by utilizing chiropractic care.

    Chiropractic care is being utilized more and more to prevent unnecessary surgeries. 

  • You have the freedom to choose what type of care you want. By no means do you have to continue care, even when a maintenance plan is recommended for you. However, it is important to ask yourself this - do you brush your teeth every morning? Do you question whether you should go to the dentist? Most people choose to continue getting wellness/maintenance chiropractic adjustments to continue healthy habits for their spine and their nervous system. While you can replace teeth, you cannot replace a spinal cord or column.

  • Unfortunately, sporadic chiropractic care can cause old symptoms to resurface, especially when our health habits do not change, and we continue re-injuring ourselves. If your condition is a chiropractic problem, consistent care will make the biggest change in symptoms returning.

  • How people respond after adjustments varies significantly. Most tell an improvement after their first adjustment. As things are being realigned, it is common to feel as though you just worked out. It is always a concern if you hurt (more than muscle soreness) after an adjustment, and important to bring that to your chiropractor's attention.

  • It is incredibly important to address all aspects of your health, and some of the time, yoga/diet/massage is what you need for pain or inflammation management. Chiropractic adjustments fortify the foundation of how our body functions, allowing most other modalities to compliment it afterwards.