Why One Chiropractic Adjustment Just Isn't Enough


As a chiropractor, I am just as excited for the progress of a patient’s health. If one adjustment could fix everything, everyday would end with rainbow-like riches. If we could reverse the steady progression of years and years of symptoms worsening in one day, or the sudden flare ups of chronic injuries with one adjustment, we would all be a lot happier. However, we would forget that health is a process, and getting realigned with chiropractic adjustments is also a process.

One adjustment is not enough when we are talking about symptoms that have been there for years, or for old injuries that are causing new symptoms due to years of compensation. You may not know where your symptoms are coming from, or why they are there, but seeing a chiropractor is a necessary first step to get to the root of the problem.

A chiropractor’s job:

1. To give you a true understanding of what is going on.

2. What lead up to the acute/chronic condition.

3. What the steps are to correct it with a customized care plan.

4. Provide specific, chiropractic adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine

After you receive a chiropractic adjustment, it is common that the body may want to shift back to where it is used to being, and if there is a significant amount of scar tissue already set in. Having to get repeat adjustments is common, more at first, to retrain a lot of the muscles surrounding the misalignment, correct the compensating posture, and ensure that scar tissue does not set back in improper mobility of the vertebral joints.

Heighten your potential to heal, recover, and prevent worsening symptoms by reaching out to your San Francisco house call chiropractor!

Dr. Katherine McCarty, D.C.