Drug Advertising: What to Consider

It is so easy to listen to the radio, check the web, and try to connect the symptoms that you are having to what is out there. It is attractive, because the symptoms that are advertised will sound like yours, and the “solutions” they have will sound easy enough.

As a chiropractor, it is not my practice or my scope to give advice on prescription medication. Nor am I opposed to emergency medicine. However, with the increasing amount of people who search the web endlessly to find what is going on with their body, this realm of drug advertising affects all the viewpoints of my patients.

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Attached is a Harvard study that I found very self explanatory for anyone who struggles with the information that can literally be screaming at us from the radio. Not only does does this study support the fact that medical drugs we hear advertised are as hollow as any advertisement, but it puts focus on their masking effects of where our ideas of health come from.

Research all information given to you, and question any sounding authority. Know where the information is coming from, and if it has been approved by an agency you are familiar with. After all, it is your health, and it is in your hands. Contact me for any questions regarding symptoms you are unsure about, because most of the time, seeking professional opinions will save you the anxiety that can be produced by web-searching symptoms.

Heighten your knowledge, and happy reading!

Dr. Katherine McCarty, D.C.

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Katherine McCarty