Women's Health and Chiropractic Benefits


This Mother's Day has been up to this point a celebration of all that our mothers have done for us. We write little sweet notes regarding how they guided our hand as we learned to write, how they supported us through the trails of teenage woes, and how maturity brought the knowledge of how they are the backbone of our career choices.  I believe I thanked my mother for all of the above, and maybe added a few lines regarding knee scratches, bike accidents, and that tattoo I never told her about. But this is beside the point.

Mother's are the strongest beings out there. Not because of everything we learn from them, but because of how much they suffer. That's right, how much they suffer! You think it's easy to hunger for a platter of food that little hands are grasping at? They can't eat anything without sharing it. And how many times do they pick up after us, on the brink of tears, because their back aches and their family consistently won't use the laundry basket? Or the working mothers, that stress over the education provided to their kids, and in what ways they can mentor them best? Motherhood is not for the weak, and definitely worth an entire month of acknowledgement (at least!).

One thing is a fact:  women put themselves on the back-burner, whether they are mothers or not. Because of the shear strength they possess, it is easy for them to think for the greater good of the family, of the household, of their working environment, and of their friends, rather than focusing and taking care of their own needs. This can be their health, their passions, and even their careers.

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Women's Health Benefits with Chiropractic Care

  • Stress Reduction - movement of the spine is essential to movement of nerve impulses, pushing out inflammation, and decreasing the effects of physical and emotional stresses
  • Posture - being hunched over a computer and/or a child produces poor posture and therefore stress on the nervous system, which can raise blood pressure, lower energy levels, and suppress hormone production
  • Scoliosis - young women are more prone to idiopathic scoliosis, and chiropractic has repeatedly helped with decreasing the degrees of curvature, and therefore stress within the body. Read Further
  • Symptom Relief - back pain, headaches, digestion, arthritis, circulation. Read Further
  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome and Cramping - By creating a healthy nerve supply to the female sex organs, it'll reduce symptoms associated with monthly changes by normalizing function in the body. Read Further
  • Pregnancy related symptoms - Decrease lower back pain with pelvic adjustments, decrease overall labor time, and improve fetal mobility with reducing uterine ligament constraints. Read Further
  • Pediatrics - chiropractic has been an effective treatment for colic, ear infections, and all the many ailments that keeps mothers up at night. Getting children checked DIRECTLY helps the health of the parents

As I said before, Mother's Day has been properly celebrated up to this point. However, let May continue to show and support the person we all know that needs to finally put their needs first. Give them convenience, relief, and healing growth with house call chiropractic care. 

This is for them, for the strong women and the mothers, that need it most. Spread the information on women's health with chiropractic care, and gift health by placing their needs from the back-burner and into their hands.

Please call or email me any questions you may have, and follow here to get them, or yourself, the care you need.

 - Dr. Katherine McCarty, D.C.